
Reflexology Therapy

Benefits Of Reflexology

Mind, body and spirit is what makes us who we are and we push ourselves to the limit everyday.  We take for granite on what our mind tells us to do and we physically push our bodies to the max making that happen with no thought on how it will affect us physically.  That is in our nature and our spirit. 

These everyday stressors have an impact on how the body's systems work together and when we are stressed, the nervous system gets interrupted and because all our body's systems depend on each other to work properly, when one system is not working properly, then the other systems of the body will not work properly.  In order for the body to work at optimum level it needs to be in a state of homeostasis which means "balance".  This is exactly what reflexology does to the body.  It puts all your body systems back into balance and this is only one of many reasons as to why you should get a reflexology session at least once a month.

So, what are the benefits?  Well, we now know it balances the body systems but it also reduces stress, improves circulation, cleanses the body of toxins, boosts energy levels, promotes relaxation, improves sleep and helps maintain your overall health.  Lets break each one down for a better understanding.


Everyday stressors will throw you off balance mentally and physically.  Since all your body systems depend on each other, if one system is out of balance, then all systems get thrown out of balance.  You start to feel sluggish, tired, off your game and your mental clarity starts to fade.  Next thing you know, your whole day becomes long and tiring and may even turn into a really bad day.  So then you think " I just need to get a good night's sleep " or " I'm going to go home and relax " which is good but then it doesn't seem to help.  Our bodies are a very well-oiled machine and when that machine gets off balance it needs to be tuned back into balance which is what reflexology can do for you!  


Stress is part of our life everyday.  It ranges from a physical state to an emotional state.  It also comes in many forms from exercising to over thinking.  We never think about the after effects from the demands that we put on ourselves everyday.  Reflexology reduces this stress by generating deep, tranquil relaxation which will open up the neural pathways and balance the body's systems.  Over 75% of all illnesses are stress related and if we don't manage our stress the nerve function becomes impaired and the body's way of sending messages through out the body become slower, unreliable or not at all.


Circulation is what keeps us going by movement of blood flow, oxygen, energy and waste.  Without it we will experience memory loss, muscle injuries, cold hands & feet, vericose veins, heart problems and waste buildup.....just to name a few.  We rely solely on our hearts to make it through each day and when that circulation process slows down, so do we.  Think about what is involved in the process.  Blood circulates through the body and it carries oxygen & nutrients to each of the muscles, organs, glands, bones and tissues so they can function properly, maintains body temperature, regulates the PH of body fluids, regulates the volume of water in the body and it also eliminates waste products which affects the lungs, kidneys, skin and digestive system.  Circulation is a BIG part of our life and our hearts are the MAIN reason we are alive!


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